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  • Tilt sensing
틸트 센싱(Tilt Sensing)

Colibrys의 Tilt측정에 특화된 센서들은 방산, 산업, 에너지(오일&가스)분야에서 요구하는
높은 온도에 대한 안정성, 저전력 소비등 Tilt Sensing제품들에서 요구되는 기준들을 만족시키고 있습니다.


-. 군용/항공
Helicopter-platform-antenna-canon stabilization, range finding, laser targeting, soldier navigation, mobile satellite, communication and more

-. 산업
Test, measurement and R&D Tilting trains, personal navigation, truck-platform stabilization, large structure monitoring (water dam, nuclear plant…), high precision equipment stabilization (lithography, instrumentation…), geophysics and more

-. 에너지
Directional down-hole and surface drilling, offshore platform monitoring and stabilization, pipeline structural integrity monitoring and more

NEW! MS9001.D Tilt sensor

Extra small LCC20 packaging (8.9mm x 8.9mm)

±15 and ±30 quasi linear measurement range

Excellent stability

Harsh Environment (shock, vibration, temperature)

Low power analog voltage output


High performance tilt sensor

   - One year composite repeatability down to 0.6mg 
      for a ± 3g accelerometer

Excellent vibration rectification coefficient

Very low temperature sensitivity (from -55°C to °125°C)

Extreme small size (LCC20 "FFF" to a MS9000)

Harsh environment (shock, vibration, temperature)

문의처 : 강동완 차장, TEL02-556-5288 , e-mail : kang@midoriya.co.jp