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이너셜 센싱(Inertial Sensing)

긴 수명, 낮은 진동 수정오차와 신뢰성에 대한 우리의 MEMS 가속도계에 대한 기준은
방산 및 민수용 Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU)및 Attitude-Heading and Reference System(AHRS)에 대해 지속적으로 높아지는 기준을 만족시키고 있습니다.


-. 군사/항공
Civilian aircrafts, helicopters, UAV, tactical missiles, smart munition(gun hard), MLRS, land vehicle, antenna motion control, intelligent warrior, embedded inertial sensors and more.

-. 산업
Train and railway technology, steering control, agriculture, robotics, dead reckoning, braking system deceleration, navigation and more.

-. 에너지
Guidance for directional drilling(down-hole or surface drilling) and more.


Very high shock survivability

Excellent bias stability (incl. post gun hard shock)

± 2g to ± 100g Full scale range

Low cost for advanced specifications

Low power analog voltage output

LCC 48

Integrated temperature sensor


Tactical grade bias stability

One year composite repeatability down to 1.5mg for a ± 10g accelerometer

Excellent vibration rectification coefficient

Very low temperature sensitivity

Extreme small size (LCC20 "FFF" to a MS9000)

Harsh environment (shock, vibration, temperature)


Excellent bias stability

± 2g, ±10g, ± 30g, ± 100g Full scale range

Harsh environment (shock, vibration, temperature)

Low cost for advanced specifications

Low power analog voltage output

LCC 48

Integrated temperature sensor


Extra small LCC20 packaging (8.9mm x 8.9mm)

± 2g to ± 200g Full scale range

Excellent long term bias stability

Harsh environment (shock, vibration, temperature)

Low power analog voltage output

Brown out protected

Integrated temperature sensor

문의처 : 강동완 차장, TEL02-556-5288 , e-mail : kang@midoriya.co.jp